Th8 Design Coc

  • TH8 farming base This town hall level 8 base design is for players who farms intensely. It’s a well designed base that will stand strong against attacks and keeps your precious resources from being stolen. Most players find it hard to wipe out all your resources because they are stored behind different walls inside the base.
  • Base TH8 with Link for farming (resource defense) - Clash of Clans (COC) 2020 design / layout / plan, Town Hall Level 8 Base Copy - #271.

Top 1000 Town hall 8 Clash of Clans Bases. Launch an attack in the simulator or modify with the base builder. TH8 War Base - 'Insignia. One more addition into the list is a war design that can defend against both dragon and hog rider attack. So how am I saying this is an th8 layout 2019 anti everything, anti dragons and hog riders? Because you can observe in the above layout there are double giant spot along with combination of bomb spots at one place to defend against hog rider attack.

I have received dozens of TH8 base designs from many players with very neat ideas lately. Although they are pretty strong against GoWi and Hog Attacks but most of them are very weak against Dragons. That’s why today, I am going to share everything I know about designing an anti-Dragon base for Town Hall 8 in Clan Wars with the help from jimbo831.

Th8 Clash Of Clans Base

Get the Latest All Town hall Base Designs Th6, Th7, Th8, Th9,Th10, Th11, Th12 And Th13 Farming, War And Trophy Base Designs/Layouts, town hall 7 farming base, th7 farming base 2020, th7 farming base, th8 war base, coc th7 farming base, Also Builder hall Base Bh5, Bh6, Bh7, Bh8 And Bh9.

Th8 Design Cocktail

TH8 Base Design Guide – Part I

At Town Hall 8, definitely Dragons are the most used Clan War troop. Most players use Dragons to attack early and mid TH8 base layout and only start learning to use anther attack strategies (GoHogs, GoWiPe,…) after failing couples of times in War. Because of this, most TH8 Base layouts should be made to counter these Dragon attacks.

Th8 Design Coc

As far as I can see, many TH8 base layouts that anti dragon are designed for funneling Dragons around the base. In my opinion, this type of base only works with bad attackers. A good attacker can always easily find a way to exploit the base by creating a proper funnel with either the King or Minions, sending a group of Balloons and Dragons into the core along with the help of Rage Spells. I strongly believe it is much better to build a solid base instead of a gimmicky layout.

With that being said, here are all factors (I know) you should follow in order to design a TH8 base strong against Dragon attacks!

Th8 design coc colors

Well placed ADs and Storages

Space them out, in a triangle pattern, far enough so that they don’t overlap each other and can cover the whole base. Dragons will never get funneled to more than one at a time. In addition, protect each Air Defense with 2 Storages in front of them, just like the screenshots below!

These Storages can stop Dragons for a while and your Air Defenses can hit them longer.

Centralized Archer Towers

Archer Towers can always deal a decent amount of damage to Dragons. Also, their HP is not really good so you should put 4 of them in the second defensive ring and place the last one in the Core. They can hit any target getting to the core.

Against these attacks, Mortars and Cannons are totally useless (the only role of them in this play is hitting the Barbarian King) so protecting your Archer Towers them is much more important.

Don’t forget the Teslas

Most players like to put the Teslas in the core. I agree with this. But I will usually try to space them out so they can help ADs kill Dragons faster.

Protect the most exposed Air Defense

Attackers always start attacking from this side and use Balloons to take it down because they usually ZapQuake the hardest one. What Air Defense would you try to snipe with Balloons? Think about that and protect it with Air Bombs. Seeking Air Mine should be used to for protecting either the last one or the Town Hall.

Also, try to protect your Air Defenses with Wizard Towers since they can deal damage to multiple Balloons/Drags at a time. If a group of Balloons get hit by the Air Bomb, your WTs can easily finish them off.


Know the Air Sweeper well

Do you know how actually the Air Sweeper works? Let’s take a look at this detailed guide!

Note: Most Town Hall 8 players don’t want to attack from the side that is protected by the Air Sweeper. You can take the advantage of this and force them to attack the side which has loads of traps.

Builder Huts at the Corners

Last but not least, place all your Builder Huts at 4 corners because:

  • I have seen a load of failed attacks with the help from Builder Huts.
  • Dragons can easily 1 hit them. Placing them inside the base doesn’t make any sense.
  • Attacker can just take down 1 Builder Hut with the Barbarian King and start attacking from another corner, there are still 2 left.
  • If the attacker want to take down those Huts at starting, he needs to revoke 1 Dragon from the army. Awesome!

Hopefully you have found this guide helpful and will make your own solid TH8 base with anti-Dragon feature. I’m going to post a guide which help you append the base above to deal with Hog and GoWiPe attack on this weekend. Enjoy guys!

Hello! Please watch my Dragons strategy on th8.

Subscribe, write comments and give your suggestions on my YouTube channel.

Thanks to all.

This town hall level 8 base design is for players who farms intensely. It’s a well designed base that will stand strong against attacks and keeps your precious resources from being stolen.

Most players find it hard to wipe out all your resources because they are stored behind different walls inside the base. That way almost nobody get it to all resources. Most players will get for the easy town hall on the outside. If they take your town hall you get a free 11 hour shield :).

This base is for players that are protecting their resources, you should not worry about trophies.

TH8 Farming base design in action

TH8 Farming base design in game

This is how the base looks in game.

Nitro pdf version 8. Th8 Farming in game design

All resources are behind 1 or 2 walls and are enclosed each apart. That way attackers will have great difficulty taking all resources. They have to get 3 stars to take it all. The archer towers, cannons and hidden tesla’s are on the outside to attack Giants and wall breakers. When the enemy troops are breaking your first line of defense and enter your base the splash damage kicks in, the well placed mortars and wizard towers can attack from all sides. When the attacker gets close to any wall from any side the clan castle troops are activated. The air defense is placed just in the middle of the point defense and the splash damage defense. Any flying unit will be attacked, no matter from which side they attack.

Th8 Base Link

Most of the time a player hunting for trophies will get your town hall and skip for the easy win. That way you get an 11 hour shield so your precious resources are safe.

TH8 Farming Base layout

TH8 Farming Base Layout no traps

TH8 Farming Base Layout no traps

TH8 Base Inside buildings

Th8 Max Upgrades List

TH8 Farming base full design

Best Th8 War Base

TH8 Farming base full view.