Unity Facebook Login Tutorial

Since the last set of Facebook tutorials that I created there has been some changes to the SDK. We’re now on 7.3.0 at the time I write this post.

Some of the more notable changes are the new IResult replacing FBResult, FB.LogInWithReadPermissions as the new way of initialising the first login.

In the video tutorial I mentioned about the OnGUI bug which is currently in Facebook SDK 7.3.0 which I know has plagued some of you while trying to make my previous tutorials work. To be exact that bug is:


Facebook have mentioned they will fix this in the next release of the SDK. So for now we have to use a work around so we can carry on working!

Unity 3d Tutorials. Get exciting unity tutorials. In this tutorial I hope to teach you how Facebook login in Unity works and how to get the basics done. It is the first in a series where I'll teach you how t.

To fix this, open up FacebookSDK/SDK/Scripts/PlatformEditor/EditorFacebookMockDialog.cs and find: Free sadhguru downloads.

Then insert the following code after that line – so that it’s the first code inside of OnGUI:

After doing this you will still get a small error, but it’s ignorable since it doesn’t actually break anything.

I hope the tutorial helps, let me know in the forums if there are any bugs!

Here’s the full code from FBscript.cs for your convenience:

Unity Tutorial Pdf

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Until next time, Happy Coding!


Unity Facebook Login Tutorial App
