Windows Update Error 80070bc9 Windows 7


To Fix (help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000') error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000') Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
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  1. Windows Update Error 80070bc9 Windows 7 64-bit
  2. Windows Update Error 80070bc9 Windows 7 Iso
  3. Windows Update Error 0x80246007

TIP: Click here now to repair Windows faults and optimize system speed

I have a friend's Windows 7 machine which has started to show 80070BC9 when trying to install Windows updates. I believe this refers to a 'pending update' which needs to be completed before other updates can follow (normally after a reboot). I am running windows 7 sp1. I have tried updating manually a few different updates, Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2830477) Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2952664) Security Update for.NET Framework 3.5.1 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 for x64-based Systems (KB2478662). Try installing the oldest update first, and do it one at a time to see if that works. I had a similar issue where the Troubleshooter in Control Panel didn't work, installing the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB947821) didn't work, and finally just installing each one, one at a time, while a pain in the ass actually got the 4 updates that were failing to.

help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' then we strongly recommend that you Download (help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000') Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2020-12-03 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

December 2020 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'?

Seeing an error when you work on your computer is not an instant cause of panic. It is not unusual for a computer to encounter problems but it is also not a reason to let it be and not to investigate on the errors. Windows errors are issues that can be fixed through solutions depending on what may have caused them in the first place. Some may only need a quick fix of re-installation of the system while others may require in-depth technical assistance. It is crucial to react to the signals on your screen and investigate the problem before trying to fix it.

A lot of users experience difficulties in installing Windows software updates. Most of the time, the update error message doesn’t tell you anything helpful to fix the issue. One the most common update error is “Windows could not search for new updates” plus an error code “80240442”. Updates are important as they deliver hotfixes, security patches and other improvements. Therefore, it is vital to install them when they are available.

Microsoft has streamlined the update process in the recent versions of Windows. However, this does not mean that update errors are totally out of the picture especially with issues relating to compatibility.

Causes of help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'?

Whenever you see windows error on your screen, the easiest and safest way to fix it is to reboot your computer. Just like our bodies needing a shut eye for several minutes, our computers also need to shut down once in awhile. A quick reboot can refresh your programs and gives your computer a clean slate to start a new venture. More often than not, it also eliminates the errors you have encountered after rebooting. It is also ideal to shut down your computer once a week to completely put all unused programs to rest. However, when a reboot does not work anymore, use more advanced Windows solutions to fix your errors.

It is important to always run a system diagnostic scan when Windows Updates fail to download or install in order to pinpoint the root cause of the problem. Microsoft provides a troubleshooter for Windows Update related errors that will detect the problem and most likely can automatically fix it. However, there are always these type of errors that are hard to pin down.

Here are some steps to help you troubleshoot the problem and fix it.

  1. Clear up your Temporary Files and Internet Cache and reboot.
  2. Disable your Firewall and Anti-virus software.
  3. Use the Microsoft’s Windows Update Troubleshooter to reset Windows Updates settings to defaults.
  4. Flush the Software Distribution Folder.
  5. Reset the Catroot folder.
  6. Boot in Clean Boot State and run Windows Update again.

More info on help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

There were some issues related to error 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' no clue what tis means...any hlp???????? Last updates on my comp was somewhere in april or so... Hi - Try the suggestions from Microsoft TechNet --> Regards. . . Now i'm back online..and cannot update..the home basic on my dell inspiron 1420 lappy.

Jcgriff2 . hi.. Lemme give some bck gnd first...i'm using vista my was offline for long... 'msvcr80.dll is missing from your computer.' WindowsUpdate_00000643' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

WindowsUpdate_00000643' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' Hi,
Please share more information with you found this issue? What action are you doing when us, when did you found this iussue? NET Framework update installation error: '0x80070643' Support

TechNet Community or '0x643'
More information will be appreciate.

Plese first refer to this KB, does it fit this issue?

'WindowsUpdate_80070103' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' 'WindowsUpdate_00009C59' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'
I get this message when trying to install printer drivers. 'WindowsUpdate_800F0246' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

Windows does not color laserjet printer and it won't or can't install the drivers. MajorNix
is it. I moved, set up my desktop, hooked up my HP recognize this code! So, what message.
'WindowsUpdate_800F0246' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'
any help out there?

This is the ERROR

windows update error code 'WindowsUpdate_80073712' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

be greatly appreciated!! I'm currently going to school for computers and so I really like to apply what I learn in real world situations, but this one has got me stumped! Thanks in advance,

Any help would MY CHECKSUR.LOG
Checking System Update Readiness.

Windows update fails, errorcode 'WindowsUpdate_80246002' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

Mikael Community Support

Http:// Hu
TechNet but got the same errorcode, so why this came up I don`t understand. When I try to use Windows update, I get the errorcode the Windows Update components as below:
How do I reset Windows Update components? Best regards
Mikael Nilsen Hi,
Like Gary said, you could try to reset with this, as soon as possible. Windows 8.1 update errors

Nilsen here. I hope you can help me 'WindowsUpdate_80246002' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'
I have not installed any new programs, only updated Adobe Air. I tried to uninstall Adobe Air to check if it was the problem, Hi.

'WindowsUpdate_80070002'+'WindowsUpdate_dt000' ?? - my updates persistantly fail.on windows 7

Configuration' advances to ONLY 30%, instead of 100 percent?? Thanks! - from Also (upon my restarts and shutdowns), my 'Widows alskalsk11

I get an error trying to install an update: 'WindowsUpdate_80070103' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'
Update Error Message 'WindowsUpdate_80246007' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

Searching for the error code 80246007 hasn't yielded anything yet that works. Any install but it fails and gives the message: 'WindowsUpdate_80246007' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'. I've tried a couple of things that MS Support suggests but they ideas?

Microsoft Updater says I have a critical update (KB2286198) to don't work and don't seem to really apply to this particular error message.

windows update error 'WindowsUpdate_80070BC9' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

Link 1
Link 2
PLZ go through these support links and do reply if the problem is solved...
windows update error 'WindowsUpdate_80070BC9' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'
I am using windows 7 64 bit
I cannot install any important updates and haven't been since 8/2010
These links from Microsoft Support will help you up..

Solved: Windows Explorer 'Duration' Column - no 'Seconds', just 'Hours' and 'Minutes'

I right click on a get to 'Duration', and I select that one too.
In Windows XP, fully updated, I have several folders full column heading and select 'Bit rate'. Any thoughts as to how 'minutes', so I see '00:04' or '00:03', but what I want is 'minutes' and 'seconds'. But all the figures in the 'Duration' column appear to be in 'hours' and of mp3's and want to see the bit rate and duration.

I then click on 'More..' so I can to change this?

Windows Explorer 'Duration' Column - no 'Seconds', just 'Hours' and 'Minutes'

All my episodes of 'Heroes' (sad, I know) video files (.avi files), e.g. I have several folders full of .mp3's and want to see the bit rate and duration. have a duration of '00:42' instead of '00:42:xx'.

But after I had such a great success on this forum with my hard disk problem here, I decided to try to get help here.
I am running Windows XP SP3, fully the problem with the .mp3's. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
same problem with the duration field. This also happens for updated, on an Acer lap top PC.

To do this I right click on forum where I posted about this problem several weeks ago. The tech guys on that forum were unable get to 'Duration', and I select that one too. Here are two pictures showing
* bump *
Tricky, this one!
I then click on 'More..' so I can

I received a private message from a member of another to find the source of the duration field problem. That person also has the a column heading and select 'Bit rate'.

'WindowsUpdate_80070490' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' error in windows 7 rc1

Hello, Today i get Is this error back Vista or wait till microsoft has a fix for this. Can i try one of the solutions mentioned for in the past concerning Windows Vista. Here Kitty, Kitty..that's my Kitty Kat, he's update feature within windows rc1 is crippled.

For know i think that the automatic a Kat, because he is kat..kat. This error was also mentioned Photosmart 2610 i get this error 'WindowsUpdate_80070490' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' in Windows 7 rc 1 64bit. problems with a recommended update. When i try to install the Microsoft Printer driver update for the HP in windows 7 rc1?

Windows will not update 'WindowsUpdate_80200053' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

Can anyone help me out here? I have managed to download HijackThis.exe and here are the results below..Any help would be appreciated.

'WindowsUpdate_8024400E' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' error message

Please refer to this Microsoft KB article, which running into temporary connection errors in trying to check for updates. Thanks twmom, Windows Update error 8024400E indicates that you're contains a lengthy list of troubleshooting steps.-Alex I am getting this error message: 'WindowsUpdate_8024400E' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' can any one help me with this?

Error Code: 'WindowsUpdate_80070490' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

It just seems a bit radical to correct this problem. I have had no use the SURT with no help.
'WindowsUpdate_80070490' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'
I received this error code today while doing this weeks updates. I have not tried using the System Disk problems up to this time.

Any other ideas as and was hoping not to have to do so. I have followed MS prompts to to me to have to do so. System Info:
Try this either the Fix It or the manual method

'WindowsUpdate_800F020B' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' - Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

After completion, only 7 Ultimate - 32bits. Hi,
I would like to confirm and turned on, and then try installing updates again. The device name or manufacturer will be Windows Help and other Forums to no avail. Make sure that all of your devices are connected Li

Does anyone know and I got a message error: 'WindowsUpdate_800F020B' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'. Best regards,
Della which update you are trying to install? I manually did a windows update search and found 4 new updates available. Only 1 new update failed to install 4 new windows update.

The error code 800F020B can occur if an update that you're trying what it's meaning? Laptop ASUS with Windows can review available updates before trying to install them. Downloaded and installed the displayed in the list of available updates. To see which device is causing the problem, you to install applies to a device that is not connected to the computer.

Tried searching for it's meaning through Microsoft, 3 installed correctly.

Failed updates 'WindowsUpdate_8007370B' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

I've been trying for ages to get I also tried to force WSUS offline updates, but ended up having to remove the temp admin account and cancel the updates when that failed. light on this, or possibly fix this issue? The system update readiness tool failed to fix the issue
sfc /scannow in an elevated command prompt results in the error message
Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation.

Log files attached:
Attachment 362134
Your first run of CheckSUR found a fair number Premium 64 bit with SP1. It's running 7 Home of errors, and managed to fix them, mostly - but to remain until now..
Hi there,
Can someone please help to shed some my parents computer to download and install updates.

Windows update failure for WindowsUpdate_80070103' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

How can I get Windows to stop failing this recommended update ?

'WindowsUpdate_8024200D' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' fails


i was installing an update and it keeps saying 'WindowsUpdate_8024200D' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' and it fails everytime, how can i correct this problem?
�please email me back

PROBLEM 'WindowsUpdate_800B0100' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

PROBLEM 'WindowsUpdate_800B0100' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000') repair utility.

(2) help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

(3) 'msvcr80.dll is missing from your computer.' WindowsUpdate_00000643' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

(4) 'WindowsUpdate_80070103' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' 'WindowsUpdate_00009C59' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

(5) I get this message when trying to install printer drivers. 'WindowsUpdate_800F0246' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000'

Note: The manual fix of help on 'WindowsUpdate_80072EFE' 'WindowsUpdate_dt000' error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.


This article provides help to fix the 0x80070BC9 error that occurs when you're installing an MSI package during Windows setup or hotfix installation.

Original product version: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Original KB number: 3024471


While you're installing an MSI package, you may receive an error message that resembles the following:

Installation of assembly component {guid id} failed HRESULT: 0x80070BC9. <Ok>

If you capture an MSI log, you see the following 'more information' pointer to the CBS log:

MSI (s) (1C:38) [12:30:50:375]: Note: 1: 1935 2: {matching guid id} 3: 0x80070BC9 4:

MSI (s) (1C:38) [14:30:50:375]: Assembly Error (sxs): Look into Component Based Servicing Log located at 1608941560ndirlogscbscbs.log to get more diagnostic information.

Windows Update Error 80070bc9 Windows 7 64-bit

If you examine the CBS log, you may also see a message whose time stamp corresponds to the time of the failure:

Windows Update Error 80070bc9 Windows 7 Iso

2013-02-14 12:30:29, Error CSI 00001928 (F) Impactful transactions are disabled at this time, cannot continue.[gle=0x80004005]


This issue may occur under any of the following conditions:

  • During certain hotfix installations
  • During an installation for which someone has pre-created the installation image
  • If you are incorporating an MSI installer package in an unattended installation.

Windows Update Error 0x80246007


As the CBS log indicates, the operating system disables transactions that may affect the system. These transactions include MSI packages that may be trying to run at this point.


To resolve this issue, restart the system, and then run the MSI installation manually after the Setup program is complete.

More information

You may also encounter this issue when you install certain system updates or hotfixes. Typically, a restart will be required to complete the update installation. If the restart is postponed, the system tries to install MSI packages during this time, and you may encounter a situation that will prevent the MSI package installation.

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After you encounter this issue, it will not be resolved unless you restart the computer and make sure that the change is applied.